The Jewish people are a living paradox, fascinating to study, yet difficult to comprehend. Their recorded history is the longest and oldest of any people on the face of the earth. Their Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the world’s most influential book. Their land of Israel is the country where many Christians believe the campaign of Armageddon will erupt, and Jerusalem is the city to which Jews and Christians believe Messiah will return. Which one of us feels that his or her handle on the significance of the Jewish people is adequate? The Bible does claim to give adequate answers concerning Israel. The writers of the Scriptures proclaim that God has chosen the Jewish people. They say that the cities and valleys, the cliffs and wadis of the land of Israel are the stage which will support the fulfillment of ancient prophetic promises. The Bible declares that the future redemption of the Jewish people holds the key to the liberation of Planet Earth.
This book is an attempt to communicate the Scriptures’ vision concerning Israel in a clear, user-friendly and unapologetic manner. It is written primarily for Christians who love the Bible and its Author. The day is coming when the Body of Messiah will understand how God’s heart beats for the Jewish people, when believers will unashamedly embrace God’s call on the Church to save Jewish lives. To paraphrase Paul the Apostle’s rhetorical question, ׂHow shall the Church believe in these things unless they hear?׃
This book is also dedicated to my Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters. The God of Israel has called our people to many mighty tasks, and one of the most challenging in our own eyes is becoming servants and lights to our Gentile brothers and sisters. This calling is doubly difficult in light of 3,500 years of Antisemitism. May this book expand your mind, give you new vision and broaden the scope of your own calling.
During the last 10 years we got to know families of Holocaust survivers in Israel. Between 2013 and 2016 short interviews with effected persons, their children and grandchildren were done. The film of Anna Schmidt shows the painful memories from the Holocaust but also the dealings of the following generations with this dark part of their family history. It's impressing to see these people aren't desperate by their past but they have built up a new life for themselves and for their families. It was and is a big privilege for us to be friends with these people and to remain a part of their lifes.
Anna Schmidt creates and produces documentary films, reportages, image and art films. Details about the film director you find here
Trailer to the film:
Our film is available from now on by (for rent for 72 hours or for sale as download).
From now on the DVD of the movie including German, English, and Hebrew subtitles is available for 13 € (plus shipping costs).