Tor nach Zion e.V.
Introducing ourselves
"Many people will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem." Isaiah 2:3
Our work should be a gate through which reconciliation and support between Germans and Israelis, Christians and Jews flows. Our wish is that many people will come in touch with the God of Israel, the creator of the universe and king of the world, by our work.
As our work is very diverse you can compare the single fields with gates that invite you to enter.
- The support of messianic churches in Israel is critical to us.
- Also important for us is the reconciliation with survivors of the Holocaust.
- We are very happy about the great relations with Jews in Leipzig, that are living again in our city.
- Our concern is the appreciation of the Jewish root of our Christian beliefs.
- We cherish close relationships to people all over the country of Israel, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, from the Negev desert in the south over Samaria to Galilee in the north.
Our work is embedded in the vision of the Ev.-Luth. Andreasgemeinde Leipzig. It complements the existing projects in the community. We also maintain friendly relations with the Sächsische Israelfreunde e.V. and visit communities to celebrate biblical festivals and awaken an understanding of the Jewish roots of our faith in Jesus Christ. Together with Israel's friends from Grimma and the surrounding area, we organize biblical festivals and stand up for Israel in prayer and action.
Management: Manfred and Maria Hoffmann
Board: Manfred Hoffmann, Peter Slowik, Dr. Simeon Rau
Peter Slowik
Dr. Simeon Rau
Staff members: Kerstin Kluge and Judith Stern
Kerstin Kluge
Judith Stern
Would you like to support us?
We look forward to your donation
Website for the movie ÜBERLEBEN
On the website of the film ÜBERLEBEN we publish the detailed life stories of the main characters of the film “ÜBERLEBEN” from 2017. This film was produced on behalf of Tor nach Zion e.V. by Anna Neuhaus (SchmidtFilm).
The men and women in the film come from Leipzig, Berlin, Frankfurt/Main and Warsaw.
Their stories tell of surviving the Holocaust in the years 1938-1945 and of making a new start in Israel from 1948, where they built a new life in the newly founded state. It was often hard, but sometimes also cheerful and funny. For a long time they kept quiet about their past, but their children and grandchildren wanted to know what their ancestors had experienced.
The website was designed by students at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences and features 43 interviews with the 6 main characters from the film “ÜBERLEBEN”. The protagonists' lives can be traced on a map with brief explanations of the interviews and their biographies. The website is available in German and English.
This documentation is available free of charge to schools, museums, youth groups, associations and all interested parties.
“If you don't know your past, you have no present and your future is very unclear.” (Quote from Avishai Golz)
Movie - Survival Three Jewish generation