"I survived the angel of death" - music and lyrics for Holocaust Memorial Day


A well-filled community hall was treated to an extraordinary evening with two brilliant musicians: Talida Benndorf with a wide selection of historical recorders and Isa Kleinhempel with baroque lute and guitar. Between the baroque pieces, Kerstin and Torsten Kluge read from the autobiographical book by Eva Mozes Kor “Ich habe den Todesengel überlebt” (I survived the Angel of Death). These texts got under your skin. You could literally see the madness of death in Auschwitz before your eyes and feel the horror that Eva had to experience with her twin sister Miriam. Eva has publicly stated that she has forgiven Dr. Mengele. She met with one of his colleagues and also offered him forgiveness. Torsten Kluge was able to meet with her and a group shortly before her death in Auschwitz-Birkenau and sing the song “I sing a love song to Zion” for her. This evening will remain unforgettable. A very big thank you to everyone involved, who put a lot of effort into the organization! A very dignified commemoration of the many victims of the Holocaust!

Time: Monday, 27 January 2025, 7:00 pm

Location: Parish hall of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Andrew, Scharnhorststraße 29, 04275 Leipzig

Admission free

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